
Who TF is this dude !?

Hi, my name's Ming. Currently in Pure & Applied at Marianopolis (2023-2025). I haven't done anything quite special in my life though. When I'm not worrying about school, I'm usually exploring random math topics, playing the violin, coding, working out, or simply chilling.

This website aims to spread the cult's influence around the universe. Consider joining, it's really easy! Currently, it's hosted on Google Cloud, but previously, it was hosted on Heroku, which has sadly removed its free tier.

Creations and Clones

Good Reads


Miserables - Hugo, 100 years - Marquez, Cthulhu - Lovecraft, SCP, Watchmen - Moore, Piranesi - Clarke


Contemplations - Hugo, Fleurs - Baudelaire, Poesies - Nelligan